Access Partnership

An international public policy firm that advises many of the world’s largest technology companies.

Investment highlights

Access Partnership logo

The Business

Access is a fast-growing, international public policy firm that advises many of the world’s largest technology companies on matters ranging from data policy to infrastructure regulation and compliance.

Access is positioned at the heart of regulatory and technology change and has a deep understanding of both policy and technical aspects of dataflows and data delivery systems.

Headquartered in London, the business manages its international service offering from offices in the US, Africa, Asia and the Middle East. This operational scope enables Access to serve its world-leading multinational client base wherever their policy needs arise.

The Deal

Mobeus invested £13.1 million for a minority stake in the business, which has experienced rapid growth, with revenues doubling over the previous three years.

The Realisation

Less than three years after the investment, Mobeus sold Access to Mayfair Equity Partners, a well regarded UK mid-market private equity firm.

The Impact

With Mobeus’s backing Access and its team grew both organically and through acquisition. During the investment term, in addition to a £7 million refinancing, Mobeus helped Access to complete two bolt-on acquisitions in Singapore, adding c. £1.5 million to profits. This resulted in a doubling of the business in headcount to 120 people, and growth in revenues from £11 million to £25 million. The sale delivered a 4.4x MoC and 64% IRR return for Mobeus IV.

Key facts


Business services


Mobeus 1

Deal type

Equity release

“Access is uniquely placed to capitalise on the significant market opportunity driven by regulatory and technology change. We are delighted to partner with Mobeus.”
Gregory Francis
Access Managing Director

The team

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